A mysterious “push” probably behind Mamata Banerjee’s fall, suggests hospital director

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee clarified that her fall at home was due to a ‘sensation of push.’ Initial reports suggested she fell due to ‘some push from behind,’ leading to injuries on her forehead and nose. Banerjee received treatment at SSKM Hospital and is reported to be clinically stable. The incident sparked speculation, but the police confirmed no complaint has been lodged. Banerjee has suffered injuries in the past and is under a “Z+ category” security cover. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee clarified that her fall at home was due to a ‘sensation of push.’ Initial reports suggested she fell due to ‘some push from behind,’ leading to injuries on her forehead and nose. Banerjee received treatment at SSKM Hospital and is reported to be clinically stable. The incident sparked speculation, but the police confirmed no complaint has been lodged. Banerjee has suffered injuries in the past and is under a “Z+ category” security cover.  Economic Times

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