Northern Rock ‘mortgage prisoners’ sue TSB subsidiary that bought their loans

Northern Rock ‘mortgage prisoners’ sue TSB subsidiary that bought their loans

Northern Rock, Banking, Business, TSB, Mortgages Business | The Guardian

​Borrowers say Whistletree charged inflated interest rates when it took on their debt after lender’s collapseA group of Northern Rock customers who claim they became “mortgage prisoners” after the lender’s collapse are to go to court on Tuesday to try to get compensation from the bank that bought their loans.About 2,500 borrowers whose home loans were sold to TSB’s subsidiary Whistletree are involved in a case over what they say are inflated interest rates on their debt. Continue reading… 

Borrowers say Whistletree charged inflated interest rates when it took on their debt after lender’s collapse

A group of Northern Rock customers who claim they became “mortgage prisoners” after the lender’s collapse are to go to court on Tuesday to try to get compensation from the bank that bought their loans.

About 2,500 borrowers whose home loans were sold to TSB’s subsidiary Whistletree are involved in a case over what they say are inflated interest rates on their debt.

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