One elephant can sustain more than 2 million dung beetles in east African savannas, study finds

One elephant can sustain more than 2 million dung beetles in east African savannas, study finds

How many dung beetles are there in East Africa? That question inspired a research project more than 20 years ago when Frank Krell was a research entomologist with the Natural History Museum London. Throughout a three-year-long project along with his wife, ecologist Sylvia Krell-Westerwalbesloh, they looked deep into the ecology of dung beetles in West and East African savannas. How many dung beetles are there in East Africa? That question inspired a research project more than 20 years ago when Frank Krell was a research entomologist with the Natural History Museum London. Throughout a three-year-long project along with his wife, ecologist Sylvia Krell-Westerwalbesloh, they looked deep into the ecology of dung beetles in West and East African savannas. Plants & Animals Ecology – latest science and technology news stories

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