Extinct Long-Snouted Dolphins Already Possessed Narrow-Band High-Frequency Hearing: Study

Extinct Long-Snouted Dolphins Already Possessed Narrow-Band High-Frequency Hearing: Study

Parapontoporia, an extinct genus of long-snouted dolphins that lived off the Pacific coast of North America from the Late Miocene epoch until the Pliocene, was likely to have been able to hear within narrow-band high frequency ranges.

The post Extinct Long-Snouted Dolphins Already Possessed Narrow-Band High-Frequency Hearing: Study appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Parapontoporia, an extinct genus of long-snouted dolphins that lived off the Pacific coast of North America from the Late Miocene epoch until the Pliocene, was likely to have been able to hear within narrow-band high frequency ranges.
The post Extinct Long-Snouted Dolphins Already Possessed Narrow-Band High-Frequency Hearing: Study appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Paleontology, Baiji, Cetacea, Chinese river dolphin, Dolphin, Ear, Echolocation, Evolution, Fossil, Hearing, Inner ear, Lipotes vexillifer, Miocene, Parapontoporia, Parapontoporia pacifica, Parapontoporia sternbergi, Pliocene Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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