Trains cancelled in Kerala due to rain: Check the list of partially and fully cancelled trains here | Trains Cancelled Today Kerala | Kerala Train News | Travel News | Onmanorama OnmanoramaKerala rains: Red alert for five districts on Tuesday; Wayanad receives extreme heavy rainfall in 24 hours The HinduKerala’s Wayanad sounded rain ‘red’ alert as massive landslides kill over 50 Hindustan TimesKerala rain: Holiday for educational institutions in 10 districts today OnmanoramaTrains diverted in Kerala due to waterlogging on rail tracks amid heavy rain India Today Trains cancelled in Kerala due to rain: Check the list of partially and fully cancelled trains here | Trains Cancelled Today Kerala | Kerala Train News | Travel News | Onmanorama OnmanoramaKerala rains: Red alert for five districts on Tuesday; Wayanad receives extreme heavy rainfall in 24 hours The HinduKerala’s Wayanad sounded rain ‘red’ alert as massive landslides kill over 50 Hindustan TimesKerala rain: Holiday for educational institutions in 10 districts today OnmanoramaTrains diverted in Kerala due to waterlogging on rail tracks amid heavy rain India Today Top stories – Google News