The moment I knew: when he couldn’t decide between the poutine or macaroni, he ordered both

The moment I knew: when he couldn’t decide between the poutine or macaroni, he ordered both

Camellia Ling Aebischer was on a make-or-break date with Rob when a small but significant menu decision signalled she could be herself, without judgment

Find more stories from The moment I knew series here

After a year touring the Tinder circuit in 2018, I put down the apps and was ready for a hot girl summer. I’d just come off a dating junket full of unevenly ordered but evenly split bills, passive-aggressive rejections and a brutal ghosting.

I was burnt out from meeting new people and ready to let loose, so I travelled from Melbourne to Sydney for a long weekend to visit friends.

Continue reading… Camellia Ling Aebischer was on a make-or-break date with Rob when a small but significant menu decision signalled she could be herself, without judgmentFind more stories from The moment I knew series hereAfter a year touring the Tinder circuit in 2018, I put down the apps and was ready for a hot girl summer. I’d just come off a dating junket full of unevenly ordered but evenly split bills, passive-aggressive rejections and a brutal ghosting.I was burnt out from meeting new people and ready to let loose, so I travelled from Melbourne to Sydney for a long weekend to visit friends. Continue reading… Dating, Relationships, Life and style, Australian lifestyle 

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