The new liquid blushers make beauty into art

The new liquid blushers make beauty into art

The new liquid blushers make beauty into art

Unlike powder blushers that can easily go down the 80s soap star route, liquid blushers leave a natural flush that blurs the lines between the blush and your skin. A soft, subtle effect – like a Turner watercolour. Back in the day, however, liquid blushers didn’t work on darker skin tones – I remember seeing my liquid blusher disappear into nothingness on my skin. Now they are better formulated, and many have skincare benefits. A perfect way to wear blush in the heat.

1. Hourglass cosmetics Unreal Liquid Blush £38,
2. Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush £22,
3. Vieve Sunset Blush Balm £21,
4. Anastasia Beverly Hills Blurring Serum Blush £30,
5. Glossier Blush Cloud Paint £22,

Continue reading… The new liquid blushers make beauty into art Unlike powder blushers that can easily go down the 80s soap star route, liquid blushers leave a natural flush that blurs the lines between the blush and your skin. A soft, subtle effect – like a Turner watercolour. Back in the day, however, liquid blushers didn’t work on darker skin tones – I remember seeing my liquid blusher disappear into nothingness on my skin. Now they are better formulated, and many have skincare benefits. A perfect way to wear blush in the heat.1. Hourglass cosmetics Unreal Liquid Blush £38, 2. Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush £22, 3. Vieve Sunset Blush Balm £21, 4. Anastasia Beverly Hills Blurring Serum Blush £30, 5. Glossier Blush Cloud Paint £22, Continue reading… Beauty, Fashion, Life and style 

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