Free activities help kids learn about feelings and emotions

Free activities help kids learn about feelings and emotions

Emotions are a big part of daily life. As parents and teachers guide kids in their development, emotional health is equally as important as physical health. Building emotional fortitude is an important foundation for self-regulation, problem-solving, and maintaining relationships (PennState Extension). Develop strong foundations by using our free emotion wheel and interactive lessons.

Help kids understand what they’re feeling

An important step is helping kids learn to identify and recognize their emotions. Khan Academy Kids is here to help with exactly that. We have a free emotion wheel worksheet to help kids identify feelings. We also have lessons in our free mobile app to help kids learn about emotions in an age-appropriate way.

Read on to get our free emotional wheel worksheet and to see a preview of new lessons coming to Khan Academy Kids.

Print emotion wheel

Download and print our free printables about emotions. Start with the worksheets featuring Reya the red panda from Khan Academy Kids. Cut out the images of Reya, and then match each image on the emotion wheel with how Reya is feeling.

New lessons about BIG feelings

Khan Academy Kids is here to make the back-to-school season a little easier with a set of lessons all about emotions. Help kids learn about big feelings like happiness, sadness, and everything in between. The new lessons are designed for preschool through 2nd grade and cover emotions like disappointment, embarrassment, anger, boredom, and more.

Our new lessons are aligned with national education standards, each with an introductory video and accompanying activities. The curriculum highlights human characters from the stories and books in Khan Academy Kids. Seeing these vibrant animated characters experience BIG emotions is a fun way to help kids understand what they feel in real life.

See what’s inside Khan Academy Kids

This September, open Khan Academy Kids to see the new lessons in the app’s Library. Find them by tapping the purple book on the app’s home screen, and then going to “Learn about Emotions” in the Logic+ tab. The preschool and kindergarteners will learn lessons about being mad, bored, silly, happy, and sad. First and second-graders will learn lessons about being frustrated, disappointed, nervous, excited, proud, scared, and more.  

We can’t wait to hear what you think! Reach out to us at with any questions or suggestions about our free educational app and programs. 

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 Emotions are a big part of daily life. As parents and teachers guide kids in their development, emotional health is equally as important as physical health. Building emotional fortitude is an important foundation for self-regulation, problem-solving, and maintaining relationships (PennState Extension). Develop strong foundations by using our free emotion wheel and interactive lessons. Help kids
The post Free activities help kids learn about feelings and emotions appeared first on Khan Academy Blog. Khan Academy Kids Khan Academy Blog

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