Here Is Student Guidance For Regular Unit “Portfolios” I’ll Be Having My ELL Newcomers Do (Downloadable Included)

Here Is Student Guidance For Regular Unit “Portfolios” I’ll Be Having My ELL Newcomers Do (Downloadable Included)

geralt / Pixabay


At the end of last school year, I posted 6 Changes I Want To Make Next School Year In My ELL Newcomers Class.

Among them was this one:

Develop a better plan for what I want students to do with all the handouts they work on. Apart from online games and practice sites, all of our work is on paper, which I believe is much better for learning. But, apart from just putting them in a folder in their basket (which gets very thick), they don’t do anything with it after we’re done.  I did have them look through them all at the end of the year and create a packet of the ten sheets they felt were most helpful to them learning English, but I’ve got to figure out something else.


Here’s what I’ve come up with (you can download these questions, along with a fill-in-the-blank form students will use):



At the end of each of our units, you will create a unit project where you say:

1)What are the most important things you learned (at least three things)?

2) How you used or how you will use what you learned (at least three things)?

3) What more would you like to learn about that unit (at least one thing)?

4) What is at least one thing you can teach someone else in the family about what you learned, and how will you do it?

5) Did you work hard to learn when we did the unit? (give at least one example)

6) What can you do better to learn more in the next unit (give at least one example)?

You will complete a form answering these questions AND staple the five most important papers related to the unit behind it.

Then, you will create a slideshow with at least seven slides answering these questions.


It’s obviously a lot, but with the scaffolded form and the assistance of peer tutors, I think they can do it.

What do you think?


   At the end of last school year, I posted 6 Changes I Want To Make Next School Year In My ELL Newcomers Class. Among them was this one: Develop a better plan for what I want students to do with all the handouts they work on. Apart from online games and practice sites, all ESL Web Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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