Karma chameleons, poisonous smells and multitudes of bees – take the Thursday quiz

Karma chameleons, poisonous smells and multitudes of bees – take the Thursday quiz

Questions on general knowledge and topical trivia, plus a few jokes, every Thursday. How will you fare?

For a long time this week’s Thursday quiz had been scheduled to be loosely themed around Pokémon, with 12 questions all tenuously tied to the names of the beloved little pocket monsters. However, with the sad news on Tuesday of the death of Rachael Lillis, who for years voiced Misty and Jessie among other beloved characters in the anime series, the timing became even more apposite, and an opportunity to pay tribute to someone who bought great joy to the Pokémon world for many years. Rest well Rachael.

The Thursday quiz, No 173 – Pokémon week

Continue reading… Questions on general knowledge and topical trivia, plus a few jokes, every Thursday. How will you fare?For a long time this week’s Thursday quiz had been scheduled to be loosely themed around Pokémon, with 12 questions all tenuously tied to the names of the beloved little pocket monsters. However, with the sad news on Tuesday of the death of Rachael Lillis, who for years voiced Misty and Jessie among other beloved characters in the anime series, the timing became even more apposite, and an opportunity to pay tribute to someone who bought great joy to the Pokémon world for many years. Rest well Rachael.The Thursday quiz, No 173 – Pokémon week Continue reading… Life and style 

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