‘It felt shameful’: the profound loneliness of modern motherhood

‘It felt shameful’: the profound loneliness of modern motherhood

The mothers of babies and young children often experience extreme isolation – and all the health problems that accompany it

One of the weirdest experiences for me in early motherhood was a recurrent image or sense, when I was walking down the street, pushing the baby in the pram, that a slight breeze could disintegrate me, dissolve me into fragments or dust.

I imagine some of this was due to the startling (to me) metamorphosis of becoming a mother, psychologically, physically and socially. But looking back, I’m sure it was also to do with loneliness.

Continue reading… The mothers of babies and young children often experience extreme isolation – and all the health problems that accompany itOne of the weirdest experiences for me in early motherhood was a recurrent image or sense, when I was walking down the street, pushing the baby in the pram, that a slight breeze could disintegrate me, dissolve me into fragments or dust.I imagine some of this was due to the startling (to me) metamorphosis of becoming a mother, psychologically, physically and socially. But looking back, I’m sure it was also to do with loneliness. Continue reading… Parents and parenting, Women, Women, Family, Children, Mental health, Childbirth, Pregnancy, Health, Society, Health & wellbeing, Work & careers, Loneliness, Depression, Life and style 

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