Experience: we went magnet fishing and found $100,000 in a safe

Experience: we went magnet fishing and found $100,000 in a safe

We pulled out a bag covered in sludge. Inside were all these $100 bills. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing

My partner, James, and I have known each other almost our whole lives. Our mums were best friends. We don’t come from money, and we don’t have much now. Before Covid-19, James was a merchant mariner, and I trained in early childhood education. As the first lockdown was starting, I had a medical procedure that went wrong. James had to stay at home to help me recover and look after our children. His work wouldn’t support the time off, and he lost his job.

While we were stuck in our house in Queens, New York, James started researching new ways to make money. He’s always wanted to be a treasure hunter, but had thought that involved expensive equipment. When he found out that all magnet fishing needs is a strong magnet on the end of a string, he decided to give it a go.

Continue reading… We pulled out a bag covered in sludge. Inside were all these $100 bills. I couldn’t believe what I was seeingMy partner, James, and I have known each other almost our whole lives. Our mums were best friends. We don’t come from money, and we don’t have much now. Before Covid-19, James was a merchant mariner, and I trained in early childhood education. As the first lockdown was starting, I had a medical procedure that went wrong. James had to stay at home to help me recover and look after our children. His work wouldn’t support the time off, and he lost his job.While we were stuck in our house in Queens, New York, James started researching new ways to make money. He’s always wanted to be a treasure hunter, but had thought that involved expensive equipment. When he found out that all magnet fishing needs is a strong magnet on the end of a string, he decided to give it a go. Continue reading… Life and style, New York, Hobbies, US news 

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