Novel probiotics identified in traditional Brazilian cheeses

Novel probiotics identified in traditional Brazilian cheeses

Research conducted at the Center for Dairy Technology (Tecnolat) in Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil, has identified lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that have probiotic properties and are beneficial to human health in samples of traditional Brazilian cheeses. Tecnolat is part of the Food Technology Institute (ITAL), an arm of the São Paulo State Department of Agriculture and Supply. Research conducted at the Center for Dairy Technology (Tecnolat) in Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil, has identified lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that have probiotic properties and are beneficial to human health in samples of traditional Brazilian cheeses. Tecnolat is part of the Food Technology Institute (ITAL), an arm of the São Paulo State Department of Agriculture and Supply. Cell & Microbiology – latest science and technology news stories

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