Don’t Skimp on Social Studies! Write to Learn in History Class!

 Don’t Skimp on Social Studies! Write to Learn in History Class!

By Rhonda van Bergen In many elementary classrooms today, literacy has taken center stage as new standards in reading and writing are implemented. Teachers spend significant time teaching English Language Arts (ELA) skills and strategies to prepare students for high-stakes testing in those areas. Unfortunately, content area instruction in science and social studies often takes […]

The post  Don’t Skimp on Social Studies! Write to Learn in History Class! appeared first on The Educators Room.

 By Rhonda van Bergen In many elementary classrooms today, literacy has taken center stage as new standards in reading and writing are implemented. Teachers spend significant time teaching English Language Arts (ELA) skills and strategies to prepare students for high-stakes testing in those areas. Unfortunately, content area instruction in science and social studies often takes
The post  Don’t Skimp on Social Studies! Write to Learn in History Class! appeared first on The Educators Room. Instruction & Curriculum, Literacy, Social Studies, literacy The Educators Room

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