Sheep movement restricted in Norfolk and Suffolk amid bluetongue disease

Sheep movement restricted in Norfolk and Suffolk amid bluetongue disease

Farm animals, Farming, UK news Business | The Guardian

​Several cases have been confirmed and cattle are being kept in restricted zonesThe movement of sheep and cattle has been restricted in Norfolk and Suffolk after several confirmed cases of bluetongue disease.A restricted zone has been put in place to “mitigate the risk of further cases of disease occurring”, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said. Continue reading… 

Several cases have been confirmed and cattle are being kept in restricted zones

The movement of sheep and cattle has been restricted in Norfolk and Suffolk after several confirmed cases of bluetongue disease.

A restricted zone has been put in place to “mitigate the risk of further cases of disease occurring”, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said.

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