Labour MP pushes for watchdog to assess PFI costs under budgets bill

Labour MP pushes for watchdog to assess PFI costs under budgets bill

Private finance initiative, Economic policy, Tax and spending, Stella Creasy, Labour, Office for Budget Responsibility, Budget, Politics, UK news Business | The Guardian

​Stella Creasy says she wants to put school and hospital debts and impact of trade deals ‘on nation’s books’A senior Labour backbencher is seeking to have liabilities from schools and hospitals built under private finance initiative (PFI) deals scrutinised under a new budget responsibility bill.Stella Creasy, who has tabled two amendments to the bill, said this would help highlight the scale of debt incurred. She also wants trade deals such as the post-Brexit arrangement with the EU to fall under its remit, arguing these can have an even greater fiscal impact. Continue reading… 

Stella Creasy says she wants to put school and hospital debts and impact of trade deals ‘on nation’s books’

A senior Labour backbencher is seeking to have liabilities from schools and hospitals built under private finance initiative (PFI) deals scrutinised under a new budget responsibility bill.

Stella Creasy, who has tabled two amendments to the bill, said this would help highlight the scale of debt incurred. She also wants trade deals such as the post-Brexit arrangement with the EU to fall under its remit, arguing these can have an even greater fiscal impact.

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