Perception and deception in times of crisis: Characteristics of messages and sources that allow information to spread

Perception and deception in times of crisis: Characteristics of messages and sources that allow information to spread

The COVID-19 pandemic not only gave us a global health crisis but also an infodemic, a term coined by the World Health Organization (WHO) to describe the overwhelming flood of information—both accurate and misleading—that inundated media channels. This information complicated the public understanding and response to the pandemic as people struggled to separate fact from fiction. The COVID-19 pandemic not only gave us a global health crisis but also an infodemic, a term coined by the World Health Organization (WHO) to describe the overwhelming flood of information—both accurate and misleading—that inundated media channels. This information complicated the public understanding and response to the pandemic as people struggled to separate fact from fiction. Social Sciences Political science – latest science and technology news stories

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