As a polar guide I need to take a gun to the Arctic. But airlines are freezing me out

As a polar guide I need to take a gun to the Arctic. But airlines are freezing me out

Money, Consumer affairs, Consumer rights, Travel, Eurostar, Airline industry Business | The Guardian

​I’ve been repeatedly forced to pay a fare before finding out that firearms can’t be carried – after the refund window has closedI am a polar guide. I frequently travel to Spitsbergen, the Arctic island, with my firearm, which I carry as last-resort protection in case I am attacked by a polar bear. It is something I hope that I never have to use. For the last five years or so, I have flown with it in and out of Manchester airport without issue. The problem now is that airlines will not tell you in advance which airports accept firearms. You have to first buy a ticket, then register it as special baggage. Continue reading… 

I’ve been repeatedly forced to pay a fare before finding out that firearms can’t be carried – after the refund window has closed

I am a polar guide. I frequently travel to Spitsbergen, the Arctic island, with my firearm, which I carry as last-resort protection in case I am attacked by a polar bear. It is something I hope that I never have to use.

For the last five years or so, I have flown with it in and out of Manchester airport without issue. The problem now is that airlines will not tell you in advance which airports accept firearms. You have to first buy a ticket, then register it as special baggage.

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