If I Taught Intermediate Or Advanced ELLs, Or English Proficient Students, I’d Probably Use The Newly Upgraded “Reading For Evidence” Tool

If I Taught Intermediate Or Advanced ELLs,  Or English Proficient Students, I’d Probably Use The Newly Upgraded “Reading For Evidence” Tool


I’ve posted many times about how much I like Quill for English Language Learners. It’s a great tool for reinforcing grammar practice. I have students use it at home, and in my zero period (before school) ELL support class.

I’ve also been impressed by Quill’s newest program, called Reading For Evidence, which supports more in-depth reading and writing.  However, it’s too advanced for Newcomers, and I haven’t taught Intermediates or above since they unveiled the program.

They just announced a new upgrade to the Reading For Evidence program – they’ll be using Artificial Intelligence to provide a score on student work.

Yes, I’m generally an AI skeptic on a lot of ed tools, especially ones that provide feedback to student on their writing (though I love it for student feedback on pronunciation).  I think it’s critical for students to know that a teacher’s human eyes will be reviewing their work, I have zero confidence that AI can accurately assess any kind of in-depth work, and I think human review is equally critical for effective formative assessment.

However, with Reading For Evidence, we’re talking about very short writing, and in my limited experimentation, I think it does a decent job on providing feedback.  I’d also only have students use it either as a short warm-up, or encourage them to use it at home – in both situations as precursors to doing longer writing.

If you try it out, I’d love to hear what you think!

   I’ve posted many times about how much I like Quill for English Language Learners. It’s a great tool for reinforcing grammar practice. I have students use it at home, and in my zero period (before school) ELL support class. I’ve also been impressed by Quill’s newest program, called Reading For Evidence, which supports more Uncategorized Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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