Blood, sweat and testes: rich men have always wanted to live forever

Blood, sweat and testes: rich men have always wanted to live forever

Today’s dubious anti-ageing treatments look at lot like those of history. Just look at Louis XIII or Pope Innocent VIII

People have always dreaded getting older.

Long before the tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson tried infusing his son’s blood in an attempt to halt his own senescence or the entrepreneur Peter Diamandis started undergoing regular blood plasma exchange as part of an expensive healthcare regimen that he hopes will extend his own longevity, Louis XIII of France, Pope Innocent VIII and the French physician Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard were busy trying to “rejuvenate” themselves.

Continue reading… Today’s dubious anti-ageing treatments look at lot like those of history. Just look at Louis XIII or Pope Innocent VIIIPeople have always dreaded getting older.Long before the tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson tried infusing his son’s blood in an attempt to halt his own senescence or the entrepreneur Peter Diamandis started undergoing regular blood plasma exchange as part of an expensive healthcare regimen that he hopes will extend his own longevity, Louis XIII of France, Pope Innocent VIII and the French physician Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard were busy trying to “rejuvenate” themselves. Continue reading… Well actually, Ageing, Life and style, Science, History of science 

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