Ed Miliband: beating nimbys on green rollout a matter of ‘national security’

Ed Miliband: beating nimbys on green rollout a matter of ‘national security’

Energy industry, Business, Wind power, Solar power, Energy, Renewable energy, Environment, Ed Miliband, Politics, UK news Business | The Guardian

​Energy secretary vows to take on the ‘blockers’ opposed to wind turbines, solar farms and pylons Business live – latest updatesEd Miliband has vowed to take on the nimbys opposed to the government’s rollout of wind turbines, solar farms and pylons across the UK as a matter of “national security” and “economic justice”.The energy secretary used his first big public address on Tuesday to argue in favour of speedy consent for new energy infrastructure to break the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels and avoid a repeat of “a crisis of the scale we have been through, with such devastating effects” in future. Continue reading… 

Energy secretary vows to take on the ‘blockers’ opposed to wind turbines, solar farms and pylons

Business live – latest updates

Ed Miliband has vowed to take on the nimbys opposed to the government’s rollout of wind turbines, solar farms and pylons across the UK as a matter of “national security” and “economic justice”.

The energy secretary used his first big public address on Tuesday to argue in favour of speedy consent for new energy infrastructure to break the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels and avoid a repeat of “a crisis of the scale we have been through, with such devastating effects” in future.

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