Supermassive Black Holes Can Starve Their Host Galaxies of Star-Forming Gas, Research Confirms

Supermassive Black Holes Can Starve Their Host Galaxies of Star-Forming Gas, Research Confirms

Astrononomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have detected that GS-10578, a massive, quiescent galaxy at redshift of 3.064 (look-back time 11.7 billion years), is expelling large amounts of gas at speeds of about 1,000 km per second.

The post Supermassive Black Holes Can Starve Their Host Galaxies of Star-Forming Gas, Research Confirms appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Astrononomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have detected that GS-10578, a massive, quiescent galaxy at redshift of 3.064 (look-back time 11.7 billion years), is expelling large amounts of gas at speeds of about 1,000 km per second.
The post Supermassive Black Holes Can Starve Their Host Galaxies of Star-Forming Gas, Research Confirms appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Astronomy, Black hole, CSA, Early Universe, ESA, Galaxy, GS-10578, NASA, Quiescent galaxy, Star formation, Starburst galaxy, Supermassive black hole, Webb Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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