I Discovered Another Excellent Way To Use AI – To Generate “Jigsaws” For ELLs About Current Events

I Discovered Another Excellent Way To Use AI – To Generate “Jigsaws” For ELLs About Current Events

molnar / Pixabay


I’m a big fan of the Jigsaw instructional strategy (see THE BEST RESOURCES FOR LEARNING ABOUT THE JIGSAW INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY).

I use it a lot in both my IB Theory of Knowledge classes and in my ELL classes.  However, the jigsaw strategy in an ELL Newcomer class looks a bit different from how it looks in many other classes.

In an ELL Newcomer class, typically students are provided with different sentences about the same topic which they have to practice reading and understanding.  Then, they get together with others (I usually have them meet up in a group of four).  The four read their sentences to each other, teach each other the meaning, and then they have to complete a comprehension activity, usually several cloze sentences, along with having to answer a question they have to “think about.”

Often, I’ll use jigsaws to change things up a bit and introduce current events to the classroom (though other times I’ll do one specifically related to the theme we’re studying at the time – like one on Messi when we’re learning about sports).

After some trial and error, I was able to get ChatGPT to generate some excellent ones for me.

We just used this one on the lies about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

ChatGPT created a bunch more for me, too.  I asked it to keep instructions in its memory, and also asked what prompt others should use if they, too, wanted to create a jigsaw for Beginning ELLs.  Here’s what it said:

If someone else wanted me to create a jigsaw like this on a different topic, they could use the following prompt:
“Create a jigsaw activity with two components:

Four groups of one or two sentences about the same topic.
A follow-up worksheet with cloze sentences (with different wording from the first component), a word bank, and a personal connection question. The topic is [insert topic].”

I’m adding this info to:



   I’m a big fan of the Jigsaw instructional strategy (see THE BEST RESOURCES FOR LEARNING ABOUT THE JIGSAW INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY). I use it a lot in both my IB Theory of Knowledge classes and in my ELL classes.  However, the jigsaw strategy in an ELL Newcomer class looks a bit different from how it ESL Web Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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