JoinChat: Conversations to conversions

JoinChat: Conversations to conversions

In today’s digital age, businesses need to find innovative ways to connect with their customers and drive conversions. JoinChat is a powerful tool that allows you to turn conversations into conversions by offering your users a direct contact button that is familiar and convenient. With features that include messaging Apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, TikTok, Skype, and more, JoinChat enables businesses to provide optimal contact options to their customers.


Chat Funnels: Create simple and effective chatbots to boost revenue, reduce operational costs, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Support Agents: Easily manage multiple WhatsApp accounts and monitor availability, even when employees are out of the office.
OmniChannel: Improve customer support by adding multiple channels to your chat, including Telegram, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Phone call, and more.
Random Phone: Avoid delays in support chats by adding multiple phone numbers and distributing customer chats evenly among support agents.
CTA Extras: Use the embedding tool to design content in the chat window, drive leads from landing pages to conversion pages, and add links, images, GIFs, buttons, surveys, forms, and more.

JoinChat is used by a wide range of consumer brands, including hotels, professional services, car dealerships, universities, and more. These businesses have recognized the importance of engaging in conversations with customers before acquisition, and understand that messaging Apps like WhatsApp offer a 10x higher opening rate than email. JoinChat is 100% focused on impact, attraction, and engagement, positioning itself not just as a chat tool, but as a comprehensive CRO solution.

Whether you need to add support agents, channels, chatbots, or simply improve your conversion rate, JoinChat is designed to scale with your business. With its user-friendly interface and no code required configuration, JoinChat makes it easy to set up and customize the tool to fit your specific needs.


JoinChat offers three pricing plans:
– Personal: 6€/month, 1 license, 3 agents, 3 contact channels
– Freelance: 12€/month, up to 5 licenses, 5 agents, 5 contact channels
– Agency: 30€/month, up to 100 licenses, unlimited agents and contact channels, Chat Funnel (+) features.

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 JoinChat improves user engagement and conversions by offering direct contact buttons with popular messaging apps. No coding required. Ai Tools, AI, AI tools Dynamic Business

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