Budding market: hopes of a revival in UK cut-flower production

Budding market: hopes of a revival in UK cut-flower production

Farming, Environment, UK news Business | The Guardian

​British growers are taking a increasing share of sales long dominated by imports by focussing on green credentialsFrom the tip of Cornwall to the far reaches of Scotland, the shoots of resurgence in the British cut-flower market are raising hopes of a fledgling return to home-produced fragrant flowers becoming a bigger part of the £1bn industry in the UK.UK flower production bloomed to £179m last year, according to figures from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, up from £126m in 2019. The market has been dominated by imports, usually from Holland, for more than 50 years, but last year imports fell slightly to £761.8m from £869.1m in 2022. Continue reading… 

British growers are taking a increasing share of sales long dominated by imports by focussing on green credentials

From the tip of Cornwall to the far reaches of Scotland, the shoots of resurgence in the British cut-flower market are raising hopes of a fledgling return to home-produced fragrant flowers becoming a bigger part of the £1bn industry in the UK.

UK flower production bloomed to £179m last year, according to figures from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, up from £126m in 2019. The market has been dominated by imports, usually from Holland, for more than 50 years, but last year imports fell slightly to £761.8m from £869.1m in 2022.

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