Planetary Scientists Create Global Map of Volcanic Hotspots on Io

Planetary Scientists Create Global Map of Volcanic Hotspots on Io

Io’s volcanoes are powered by both the extreme tides from Jupiter and the gravitational interactions between it and Jupiter’s other moons.

The post Planetary Scientists Create Global Map of Volcanic Hotspots on Io appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Io’s volcanoes are powered by both the extreme tides from Jupiter and the gravitational interactions between it and Jupiter’s other moons.
The post Planetary Scientists Create Global Map of Volcanic Hotspots on Io appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Planetary Science, Space Exploration, Io, JIRAM, Juno, Map, NASA, Solar System, Tidal force, Tidal heating, Volcanism, Volcano Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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