Why only walking might not be such a good idea; small changes can make walking contribute to fitness

Why only walking might not be such a good idea; small changes can make walking contribute to fitness

A sound fitness regimen includes cardiovascular exercise along with strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises. Walking is a great aerobic activity but not enough for overall fitness. Combining it with strength training, core exercises, stretching routines, and balance workouts enhances muscle engagement and posture while preventing injuries. Read the article to know more. A sound fitness regimen includes cardiovascular exercise along with strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises. Walking is a great aerobic activity but not enough for overall fitness. Combining it with strength training, core exercises, stretching routines, and balance workouts enhances muscle engagement and posture while preventing injuries. Read the article to know more.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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