Joe Trivelli’s recipes for lamb involtini, gnocchi, peppers and aubergines and rice cake

Joe Trivelli’s recipes for lamb involtini, gnocchi, peppers and aubergines and rice cake

Simple yet delicious meat, vegetable and sweet dishes for this busy time of year

These are some recipes for this post-holiday, back-to-school period and my return in earnest to work. This means that I need to be able to shop quickly and locally with even less planning than usual.

All these recipes use ingredients that you can find in many corner shops. Hoorah! This means that – despite the rush of a hectic schedule and my disorganised holiday brain – we won’t skimp on delicious suppers.

Continue reading… Simple yet delicious meat, vegetable and sweet dishes for this busy time of yearThese are some recipes for this post-holiday, back-to-school period and my return in earnest to work. This means that I need to be able to shop quickly and locally with even less planning than usual.All these recipes use ingredients that you can find in many corner shops. Hoorah! This means that – despite the rush of a hectic schedule and my disorganised holiday brain – we won’t skimp on delicious suppers. Continue reading… Italian food and drink, Lamb, Potatoes, Food, Vegetables, Cake, Dessert, Life and style 

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