Bath & Body Works apologizes for candles that look like a KKK meeting

Bath & Body Works apologizes for candles that look like a KKK meeting

US news, Race, Business, Social media Business | The Guardian

​Retail chain pulls ‘Snowed In’ candle after critics argue it resembles white supremacist group’s hoods and robesKu Klux Klan members light torches. Now, some say, Bath & Body Works provided them candles to light, too.The retail chain recently released a candle, labeled “Snowed In”, that critics argued resembled the hoods and robes worn by the white supremacist group. Continue reading… 

Retail chain pulls ‘Snowed In’ candle after critics argue it resembles white supremacist group’s hoods and robes

Ku Klux Klan members light torches. Now, some say, Bath & Body Works provided them candles to light, too.

The retail chain recently released a candle, labeled “Snowed In”, that critics argued resembled the hoods and robes worn by the white supremacist group.

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