How should I tell my bigoted mother that my daughter has come out?

How should I tell my bigoted mother that my daughter has come out?

It can be a mistake to guess how people will react to ‘shocking’ news. With sensitivity, time and love, many hurdles can be overcome
Every week Annalisa Barbieri addresses a relationship problem sent in by a reader

About 10 months ago my 27-year-old daughter came out as gay. This was a surprise as she had previously only dated men but we have adjusted to the change and fully support her lifestyle choice as long as she is happy. She has a girlfriend who we have met many times and they have a close relationship.

My daughter’s friends and family are all aware of her new relationship – but she has not told her elderly grandmother (my mother) as we are all concerned about her reaction . My mother comes from a very bigoted family and although she does try to “move with the times”, I do fear that hearing the news about my daughter will stress her so much that it will affect her health.

Continue reading… It can be a mistake to guess how people will react to ‘shocking’ news. With sensitivity, time and love, many hurdles can be overcome• Every week Annalisa Barbieri addresses a relationship problem sent in by a readerAbout 10 months ago my 27-year-old daughter came out as gay. This was a surprise as she had previously only dated men but we have adjusted to the change and fully support her lifestyle choice as long as she is happy. She has a girlfriend who we have met many times and they have a close relationship.My daughter’s friends and family are all aware of her new relationship – but she has not told her elderly grandmother (my mother) as we are all concerned about her reaction . My mother comes from a very bigoted family and although she does try to “move with the times”, I do fear that hearing the news about my daughter will stress her so much that it will affect her health. Continue reading… Life and style, Family, Parents and parenting, Relationships, Sex 

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