Amitabh Kant, India’s G20 Sherpa and former Niti Aayog chief, praised India’s structural reforms, noting that they have elevated the country from the “fragile 5” to the “top 5,” resulting in a growth rate of approximately 8.4% over the last three quarters. Kant highlighted analysts’ projections that foresee India contributing 30% to global GDP growth between 2035-2040. Amitabh Kant, India’s G20 Sherpa and former Niti Aayog chief, praised India’s structural reforms, noting that they have elevated the country from the “fragile 5” to the “top 5,” resulting in a growth rate of approximately 8.4% over the last three quarters. Kant highlighted analysts’ projections that foresee India contributing 30% to global GDP growth between 2035-2040. Economic Times