- Modi tears into Congress in Lok Sabha, attacks Nehru, Indira, Rajiv, Rahul for ‘undermining’ Constitution ThePrint
- PM Modi in Lok Sabha accuses the Nehru-Gandhi family and Congress of subverting the spirit of Constitution The Hindu
- Modi blames Congress for stifling Constitution across 7 decades Hindustan Times
- Nehru to now, 1 family did max damage to Constitution: PM Modi The Times of India
- In Constitution debate, PM Modi lists 11 resolutions for India India Today
Modi tears into Congress in Lok Sabha, attacks Nehru, Indira, Rajiv, Rahul for ‘undermining’ Constitution ThePrintPM Modi in Lok Sabha accuses the Nehru-Gandhi family and Congress of subverting the spirit of Constitution The HinduModi blames Congress for stifling Constitution across 7 decades Hindustan TimesNehru to now, 1 family did max damage to Constitution: PM Modi The Times of IndiaIn Constitution debate, PM Modi lists 11 resolutions for India India Today Top stories – Google News