Take a test: Only the smartest can count all the holes in this T-shirt

Take a test: Only the smartest can count all the holes in this T-shirt

A viral brainteaser featuring a ripped T-shirt has sparked online debate. While the two rips are obvious, the puzzle challenges you to consider all the openings. Factoring in the neck, armholes, bottom opening, and the front and back holes created by each rip, the correct answer is eight holes. This puzzle highlights how easily overlooked details can trick our perception. A viral brainteaser featuring a ripped T-shirt has sparked online debate. While the two rips are obvious, the puzzle challenges you to consider all the openings. Factoring in the neck, armholes, bottom opening, and the front and back holes created by each rip, the correct answer is eight holes. This puzzle highlights how easily overlooked details can trick our perception.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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