Magnetic Building Sticks Sets Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of Federal Regulations for Toy Magnets; Sold Exclusively on by Elongdi

The recalled magnetic building sticks set violates the mandatory federal regulation for magnet toys posing an ingestion hazard. When high-powered magnets are swallowed, the ingested magnets can attract each other, or another metal object, and become lodged in the digestive system. This can result in perforations, twisting and/or blockage of the intestines, infection, blood poisoning and death.  Recall List

The recalled magnetic building sticks set violates the mandatory federal regulation for magnet toys posing an ingestion hazard. When high-powered magnets are swallowed, the ingested magnets can attract each other, or another metal object, and become lodged in the digestive system. This can result in perforations, twisting and/or blockage of the intestines, infection, blood poisoning and death.


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