A Look Back: The Student Surveys & Self-Assessments That I – And I Believe They – Have Found Most Helpful

A Look Back: The Student Surveys & Self-Assessments That I – And I Believe They – Have Found Most Helpful

(I’m republishing my best posts from the first half of the year. You can see the entire list of them here)


TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay


Over the years, I’ve used a number of different types of surveys to help me with my teaching and to help students with their self-assessment in a number of areas.

One is the Google Forms check-in I have students complete every Monday.

Another are the many different types of anonymous student evaluations of our classes and of me.  You can find many different versions of them at Best Posts On Students Evaluating Classes (And Teachers).

I also have students complete goal sheets.  You can read about my latest attempt at I’M TRYING OUT WHAT IS PROBABLY MY TENTH (AT LEAST!) DIFFERENT ATTEMPT AT A STUDENT GOAL-SETTING STRATEGY – WISH US LUCK! and you see many previous ones at Best Posts On Students Setting Goals.

We used the questions at Intriguing New Study On “Student Engagement” & How To Define It with students to help evaluate the success of our work with Long Term English Language Learners (which you can read about here).

At various times over the years, I’ve had students use Angela Duckworth’s Grit Scale, Mindset Works Growth Mindset assessments, and Project Implicit’s surveys on race (they seem to have a new one, too).

And I recently read an article in Edutopia about a Dignity Index, which sounds very interesting and I think I’d like to try it.

What are others that you use?

 (I’m republishing my best posts from the first half of the year. You can see the entire list of them here)     Over the years, I’ve used a number of different types of surveys to help me with my teaching and to help students with their self-assessment in a number of areas. One is a look back Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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