A pair of doves moved on to my balcony. I wanted them gone – then they started nesting | Nova Weetman

A pair of doves moved on to my balcony. I wanted them gone – then they started nesting | Nova Weetman

This time there’s an egg. And I can’t possibly disrupt a family of three

Two years ago, when I moved into the apartment where I’m still living, a pair of doves moved in too. They started nesting on top of the air conditioning unit on my balcony. It’s up high, so it was often hard to confirm who was home at different times of the day, but I could hear the cooing, the flapping of their wings and the splat of their poo as it hit the concrete below. Some nights they flew in and out for hours, teasing my cat who watched them steadily, dreaming perhaps of how she could climb.

I liked the sound of their wings as they powered off the air conditioner each morning, as if they were following a human set of rules and heading to the office. It was the smell I didn’t like. The slightly musty, dank smell that wafted in when the windows were open. And the sticks that dropped and dropped and dropped from their failed attempt to nest.

Continue reading… This time there’s an egg. And I can’t possibly disrupt a family of threeTwo years ago, when I moved into the apartment where I’m still living, a pair of doves moved in too. They started nesting on top of the air conditioning unit on my balcony. It’s up high, so it was often hard to confirm who was home at different times of the day, but I could hear the cooing, the flapping of their wings and the splat of their poo as it hit the concrete below. Some nights they flew in and out for hours, teasing my cat who watched them steadily, dreaming perhaps of how she could climb.I liked the sound of their wings as they powered off the air conditioner each morning, as if they were following a human set of rules and heading to the office. It was the smell I didn’t like. The slightly musty, dank smell that wafted in when the windows were open. And the sticks that dropped and dropped and dropped from their failed attempt to nest. Continue reading… Birds, Australian lifestyle, Animals, Animal behaviour, Life and style, Wildlife 

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