Advanced microscopy method reveals hidden world of nanoscale optical metamaterials

Advanced microscopy method reveals hidden world of nanoscale optical metamaterials

Scientists from the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society have made a significant discovery in the field of nanotechnology, as detailed in their latest publication in Advanced Materials. Their paper, titled “Spectroscopic and Interferometric Sum-Frequency Imaging of Strongly Coupled Phonon Polaritons in SiC Metasurfaces,” introduces a novel microscopy method that allows for the unprecedented visualization of nanostructures and their optical properties. Scientists from the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society have made a significant discovery in the field of nanotechnology, as detailed in their latest publication in Advanced Materials. Their paper, titled “Spectroscopic and Interferometric Sum-Frequency Imaging of Strongly Coupled Phonon Polaritons in SiC Metasurfaces,” introduces a novel microscopy method that allows for the unprecedented visualization of nanostructures and their optical properties. Nanomaterials – latest science and technology news stories

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