Anti aging influencer Bryan Johnson shares his meal plan: Netizens highlight nutritional inadequacy

Anti aging influencer Bryan Johnson shares his meal plan: Netizens highlight nutritional inadequacy

Anti-aging influencer Bryan Johnson shares his plant-based meal plan on X, including chickpea wraps, cauliflower rice stir fry, and a blueberry smoothie. While fans appreciate the healthy options, they note the absence of meat and possible nutrient deficiencies like vitamin B12. They also express concerns about the low calorie and protein content of the diet. Anti-aging influencer Bryan Johnson shares his plant-based meal plan on X, including chickpea wraps, cauliflower rice stir fry, and a blueberry smoothie. While fans appreciate the healthy options, they note the absence of meat and possible nutrient deficiencies like vitamin B12. They also express concerns about the low calorie and protein content of the diet.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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