Astronomers compile largest MeerKAT radio source catalog to date

Astronomers compile largest MeerKAT radio source catalog to date

Using MeerKAT data, an international team including astronomers from MPIfR (Bonn, Germany) has compiled the largest catalog of radio sources from any MeerKAT survey to date. With this catalog, they were able to make a measurement of the cosmic radio dipole, a cosmological effect that arises from the Earth’s motion through the universe, and provides an important test of our theories of cosmology at the largest scales. Using MeerKAT data, an international team including astronomers from MPIfR (Bonn, Germany) has compiled the largest catalog of radio sources from any MeerKAT survey to date. With this catalog, they were able to make a measurement of the cosmic radio dipole, a cosmological effect that arises from the Earth’s motion through the universe, and provides an important test of our theories of cosmology at the largest scales. Astronomy – latest science and technology news stories

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