- Astronomers Discover Four Tiny Planets Orbiting Barnard’s Star, Earth’s Cosmic Neighbor NewsX
- Fraser Cain (@fraser@m.universetoday.com) Universe Today
- Planetary System Found Around Nearest Single Star | Newswise Newswise
- EUREKA! Barnard’s Star, the ‘great white whale’ of astronomy, is hiding four planets WION
- Scientists hunted for planets around our cosmic neighbor. They found 4. Mashable
Astronomers Discover Four Tiny Planets Orbiting Barnard’s Star, Earth’s Cosmic Neighbor NewsXFraser Cain (@fraser@m.universetoday.com) Universe TodayPlanetary System Found Around Nearest Single Star | Newswise NewswiseEUREKA! Barnard’s Star, the ‘great white whale’ of astronomy, is hiding four planets WIONScientists hunted for planets around our cosmic neighbor. They found 4. Mashable Top stories – Google News