ATP’s role in biomanufacturing: Fluctuating cellular energy drives microbial bioproduction

In the work of biomanufacturing, tanks of microbes are fine-tuned to produce compounds that can be used as carbon-neutral fuels, chemicals, materials and medicines, but researchers are still learning the basics of how to turbo-charge microbes for production. To that end, engineers at Washington University in St. Louis have explored the roles of ATP in microbial metabolism. In the work of biomanufacturing, tanks of microbes are fine-tuned to produce compounds that can be used as carbon-neutral fuels, chemicals, materials and medicines, but researchers are still learning the basics of how to turbo-charge microbes for production. To that end, engineers at Washington University in St. Louis have explored the roles of ATP in microbial metabolism. Cell & Microbiology Biotechnology – latest science and technology news stories

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