vrinda sharma

EU demands clarity from Microsoft on AI risks in Bing

The European Commission could fine Microsoft if it doesn’t provide adequate information on risks stemming from Generative AI features in its Bing search engine Technology The European Commission could fine Microsoft if it doesn’t provide adequate information on risks stemming from Generative AI features in its Bing search engine Sci-Tech News | Latest Technological Developments | The Hindu

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85% Indians say climate change affecting them: Survey

Ninety-one per cent of 2,178 adults surveyed between September 5 and November 1 last year by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and CVoter are “worried about global warming”. Environment Ninety-one per cent of 2,178 adults surveyed between September 5 and November 1 last year by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and CVoter are…

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The burning hills of Uttarakhand

Five people were killed in May in forest fires that have been raging in Uttarakhand since last November. The forest department attributes the fires to out-migration, high-tension wires, and the abundance of pine trees, while the State government has said in the Supreme Court that the fires are completely manmade. Ishita Mishra travels across the…

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Recent solar storm and eclipse are reminders we live in the sun’s embrace​CBC | Technology News

Radio/Quirks & Quarks CBC | Technology News ​We live in the sun’s vast solar environment which occasionally puts us directly in the path of powerful outbursts emanating from its surface to create dazzling displays of northern lights.  We live in the sun’s vast solar environment which occasionally puts us directly in the path of powerful outbursts…

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