vrinda sharma

Global sea ice levels just hit a new record low

Global sea ice levels just hit a new record low

Sea ice cover in both the Antarctic and Arctic remained far below average throughout February as global average temperatures linger near record highsSea ice cover in both the Antarctic and Arctic remained far below average throughout February as global average temperatures linger near record highs Sea ice cover in both the Antarctic and Arctic remained far…

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Last month was the third warmest February on RECORD – with global average temperatures hitting 13.36°C

Last month was the third warmest February on RECORD – with global average temperatures hitting 13.36°C

Last month was the third warmest February on record, as global temperatures climbed to 1.59°C (2.86°F) above the ‘pre-industrial’ average.Last month was the third warmest February on record, as global temperatures climbed to 1.59°C (2.86°F) above the ‘pre-industrial’ average. Last month was the third warmest February on record, as global temperatures climbed to 1.59°C (2.86°F) above…

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Neither ecologically sustainable nor ethical: study expresses concern over moving African cheetahs to India

Neither ecologically sustainable nor ethical: study expresses concern over moving African cheetahs to India

The study highlights that the translocation has resulted in significant welfare challenges, with a mortality rate of 40%-50% in the first phase of the project, far below the expected survival rate of 85%The study highlights that the translocation has resulted in significant welfare challenges, with a mortality rate of 40%-50% in the first phase of…

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‘Galaxy Empowered’: Samsung launches unique community-led programme to upskill 20,000 teachers by 2025

‘Galaxy Empowered’: Samsung launches unique community-led programme to upskill 20,000 teachers by 2025

The initiative is meant to upskill teachers in India, empowering them with blended learning events, hands-on training and mentorship opportunities.The initiative is meant to upskill teachers in India, empowering them with blended learning events, hands-on training and mentorship opportunities. The initiative is meant to upskill teachers in India, empowering them with blended learning events, hands-on training…

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