vrinda sharma

Maximising Study Techniques: What Really Works?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Are your students using the most effective study strategies? Help your students discover the truth behind popular study techniques and there impact on student achievement … Recent studies, such as those by Bartoszewski (2015) at the University of Wisconsin and Dunlosky et al., (2013), delve into various study techniques to determine…

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Why blended learning is a top 12 way to help those most in need

Key points: Smartly deploying blended learning can complement the student experience Where does blended learning fit in post-pandemic classrooms? District virtual schools need to innovate beyond flexibility and security For more news on blended learning, visit eSN’s Digital Learning hub This post on blended learning originally appeared on the Christensen Institute’s blog and is reposted…

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How to Start Investing in New Pathways

With a new $250,000 state grant in hand, a small exurban district superintendent asked for advice on how to invest in #NewPathways. Following are 10 ideas along with some leading examples.  1. Hire a business partnership coordinator for two years to facilitate work-based learning experiences including client projects and internships. Most of the 85 high…

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Healthier Foods, Healthier Minds

By: Cindy Long, Administrator, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Setting kids up for success. It’s what every parent, guardian, and educator wants for our nation’s schoolchildren. They understand the power that small changes have to make a big difference in the learning environment. That’s why here at USDA, we recently announced a generational investment in…

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Why blended learning is a top 12 way to help those most in need

Key points: Smartly deploying blended learning can complement the student experience Where does blended learning fit in post-pandemic classrooms? District virtual schools need to innovate beyond flexibility and security For more news on blended learning, visit eSN’s Digital Learning hub This post on blended learning originally appeared on the Christensen Institute’s blog and is reposted…

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