vrinda sharma

‘Gone in 12 Seconds’: How MIT Students Stole $25M Crypto in a US Criminal Case First

Two brothers, both former Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students, were arrested on Wednesday for allegedly perpetrating a first-of-its-kind scheme to exploit the Ethereum blockchain and steal $25 million (£19.71 million) in cryptocurrency. Manhattan federal prosecutors described the scheme of Anton Peraire-Bueno, 24, and James Peraire-Bueno, 28, a “novel” attack on the Ethereum blockchain, marking…

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Meet the ‘richest man who ever lived’: Scientists recreate the face of Tutankhamun’s grandfather, Amenhotep III, for the first time in 3,400 years

The pharaoh, described by one archaeologist as ‘one of the richest men that ever lived’, led Egypt through a period of unprecedented prosperity and international power.The pharaoh, described by one archaeologist as ‘one of the richest men that ever lived’, led Egypt through a period of unprecedented prosperity and international power. The pharaoh, described by one…

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Chinese scientists move closer to bringing cryogenically frozen humans back to life – after brain tissue is thawed without damage

A Harvard trained Chinese scientist just found a unique chemical mixture that allows us to freeze and thaw brain tissue without damaging it. They even brought the cells back to life.A Harvard trained Chinese scientist just found a unique chemical mixture that allows us to freeze and thaw brain tissue without damaging it. They even…

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Too busy to find love? Send a robot instead! ‘AI dating concierge’ could date hundreds of people for you, Bumble founder claims

Speaking at the Bloomberg Tech Summit, Herd, 34, claimed that daters could soon use an ‘AI dating concierge’ to go out on hundreds dates for them.Speaking at the Bloomberg Tech Summit, Herd, 34, claimed that daters could soon use an ‘AI dating concierge’ to go out on hundreds dates for them. Speaking at the Bloomberg Tech…

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Imagine getting life-saving drugs to sick people without relying on big pharma? We may have found a way | Dr Catriona Crombie

An NHS trust’s attempts to bring a crucial drug to market itself is hopeful news for patients Dr Catriona Crombie is the head of rare disease at medical charity LifeArc Healthcare should make people’s lives better. That fact can hardly be contested. Yet for some patients with rare diseases, commercial interests are dictating who gets…

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BepiColombo power struggle could leave probe short of Mercury’s orbit

ESA/JAXA mission running on reduced thrust as engineers work to resolve the issue Updated  Thruster problems with BepiColombo, the joint ESA and JAXA mission to Mercury, could cause headaches for managers plotting the spacecraft’s trajectory and insertion into Mercury’s orbit.… ESA/JAXA mission running on reduced thrust as engineers work to resolve the issue Updated  Thruster…

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Rise of the killer robots? Watch the terrifying moment a humanoid bot survives being kicked and punched – before smashing its own hand with a hammer

In this terrifying video, a humanoid robot is seen taking a beating from a human operator, before smashing its own fingers with a mallet.In this terrifying video, a humanoid robot is seen taking a beating from a human operator, before smashing its own fingers with a mallet. In this terrifying video, a humanoid robot is seen…

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Can YOU tell what they are? ‘World’s first’ emoji dating back to 1988 are discovered – and they look very different to the characters used today!

Matt Sephton, a games developer and blogger, delved into the history of the emoji, and discovered a set of characters from 1988.Matt Sephton, a games developer and blogger, delved into the history of the emoji, and discovered a set of characters from 1988. Matt Sephton, a games developer and blogger, delved into the history of the…

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