vrinda sharma

In Tamil Nadu, DPH urges health officials to diligently follow guidelines to prevent spread of dengue

Health department issues instructions on the occasion of National Dengue Day on May 16. District health officials have been urged to conduct source reduction activities to prevent breeding of mosquitoes causing the infection Health department issues instructions on the occasion of National Dengue Day on May 16. District health officials have been urged to conduct source…

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IIITB researchers develop IoT-enabled wheelchair device for rehabilitation of stroke patients 

The XoRehab is an exoskeleton for rehabilitation with nine Degree of Freedom (DoF), which essentially means the allowed joint movement in upper and lower limb The XoRehab is an exoskeleton for rehabilitation with nine Degree of Freedom (DoF), which essentially means the allowed joint movement in upper and lower limb Bengaluru Health News, Wellbeing Tips, Diseases, Treatment and…

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