vrinda sharma

California District Introduces Hindi

The board of Silicon Valley’s Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) has voted to introduce Hindi as a world language into its curriculum, making it the first public school district in California to offer Hindi. The FUSD School Board voted four to one to launch a pilot program that will see Hindi in the curriculum of…

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U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Lead the Way on Healthy, Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Learning

Today, the U.S. Department of Education announced the 2024 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools, District Sustainability Awardees, and Postsecondary Sustainability Awardees. Across the country 41 schools, 10 districts, one early learning center, and three postsecondary institutions were named. School systems across the U.S. are implementing environmental education standards, flipping the switch on solar…

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Southern Atlantic Polytechnic School Fees 2024/2025

As students plan for the academic year 2024/2025, understanding the school fees associated with attending Southern Atlantic Polytechnic is essential. This guide aims to provide a clear overview of the tuition and fees for different programs, accommodation options, and payment procedures to help you make informed decisions. Also Read:Prime Polytechnic School Fees 2024/2025 Overview of…

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Speedway Polytechnic School Fees 2024/2025

Welcome to our latest blog post on the Speedway Polytechnic school fees for the academic year 2024/2025. This article is designed to guide prospective and returning students through the fee structure of Speedway Polytechnic, ensuring they have all necessary financial information for their educational journey. Also Read:Southern Atlantic Polytechnic School Fees 2024/2025 Introduction to Speedway…

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Stars Polytechnic School Fees 2024/2025

If you’re planning to enroll at Stars Polytechnic for the 2024/2025 academic year, understanding the school fees structure is crucial. In this blog post, we provide a comprehensive guide to the fees, additional payment considerations, and the payment procedure at Stars Polytechnic. Also Read:Speedway Polytechnic School Fees 2024/2025 Overview of Stars Polytechnic Stars Polytechnic is…

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Learning Chinese Stimulates Both Temporal Lobes

New evidence suggests that studying Chinese and learning to write Chinese characters may train a whole array of cognitive abilities not developed by learning other languages and writing systems. A study conducted by researchers from the UK’s Wellcome Trust found that “people who speak Mandarin Chinese use both temporal lobes of their brain to understand…

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