vrinda sharma

Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom: How Night Zookeeper Sparks Students’ Imagination

The post Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom: How Night Zookeeper Sparks Students’ Imagination appeared first on Shake Up Learning. In a world where education is constantly evolving, the need for innovative tools that ignite students’ creativity and passion for learning is more important than ever. Night Zookeeper, an interactive online platform, is revolutionizing the way…

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The Science of Reading in a Nutshell

4 actionable lessons teachers can use today By Allison Leedie, M.Ed,  partnerships manager at Khan Academy Kids and former teacher and literacy coach Planning time is limited, the copier is jammed, and a classroom observation is imminent. Sound familiar? Me too.  As a former teacher and literacy coach, I know that sometimes what is most…

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An Example Of Rigor-Based Differentiation

contributed by Barbara R. Blackburn Differentiation is a popular concept in today’s schools. After all, it makes sense. We’d all love to provide instruction tailored to every student’s needs. However, intentionally or accidentally, many teachers simply lower the rigor for struggling students. When we do that regularly, students always stay behind. In some cases, they…

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American Board in Montana

Montana has introduced a new path for teacher certification. In need of teachers, the state will now allow alternative paths to teacher certification. Notably, American Board received the honor of being the first approved alternative route in the state. This means future teachers now have access to fast and affordable teacher certification using American Board…

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From Routine to Reflection: How to Use Admit and Exit Tickets to Create a Culture of Reflection in Your Prek-12 Classroom

Do you want to transform your admit and exit tickets from routine to reflective ones? From reframing prompts to fostering self-assessment, discover some actionable strategies for cultivating a culture of reflection through admit and exit tickets. The post From Routine to Reflection: How to Use Admit and Exit Tickets to Create a Culture of Reflection…

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Teach in Wisconsin

Governor Evers (D-WI) has extended the options for future teachers in Wisconsin. By signing SB 742, Governor Evers allows American Board to continue providing a fast and affordable route to teacher certification in the state. Thanks to Governor Evers’s support, it remains possible to teach in Wisconsin, without going into debt earning your certification. American…

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Richard Feynman On Knowing Versus Understanding

Richard Feynman On Knowing Versus Understanding by TeachThought Staff Who is Richard Feynman? Richard Feynman, born in 1918, was a theoretical physicist whose work in quantum mechanics earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. According to nobelprize.org, Feynman obtained his B.Sc. in 1939 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and studied “at Princeton…

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