vrinda sharma

FDA announces new strategy to prevent contamination of fresh and frozen berries

The FDA has developed a new strategy to prevent the contamination of fresh and frozen berries with viruses such as hepatitis A and norovirus. “Collaboration between regulators, the global berry industry, and other interest holders has been critical for the development of this strategy. We look forward to ongoing collaboration… Continue Reading Food Policy & Law,…

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Various brands of eggs recalled in Canada after testing finds Salmonella

Burnbrae Farms is recalling various brands of eggs from the marketplace because of possible Salmonella contamination. According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), this recall was triggered by test results. Brands of recalled eggs include: Compliments, Foremost, Golden Valley Eggs, IGA, Western Family and more. The recalled products were… Continue Reading Food Recalls, Burnbrae Farms,…

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