vrinda sharma

Robot packers and AI cameras: UK retail embraces automation to cut staff costs

Robot packers and AI cameras: UK retail embraces automation to cut staff costs

Retail industry, Business, Artificial intelligence (AI), Supermarkets, Technology sector, Technology, UK news Business | The Guardian ​From electronic shelf labels to more self-service checkouts, automation is coming to your local supermarketElectronic shelf labels, returns machines, robot bag packers and yet more self-service tills – just some of the many technologies that UK retailers are embracing as…

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Centrica may close UK’s largest gas storage site. Is the energy system really ready? | Nils Pratley

Centrica may close UK’s largest gas storage site. Is the energy system really ready? | Nils Pratley

Centrica, Energy industry, Gas, Renewable energy, Business, Utilities, UK news Business | The Guardian ​The risks need accessing as a renewables-heavy set-up would make demand for gas more volatile and unpredictableMonday was another of those dunkelflaute days when the wind barely blows, the sun doesn’t shine and it’s cold. At times, gas-fired power stations were generating…

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